Apache Health Center

Have a chiropractic care-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • How many sessions do I need?

    Although chiropractors cannot provide an exact session count, they can give you a general idea of pain relief and corrective care.

  • Do you offer neck and lower back spinal decompression?

    Our clinic is equipped with a decompression machine, a specialized treatment that targets neck and back pain.

  • What other therapies do you offer?

    We offer a comprehensive range of care options, including physical therapy, cold laser therapy, acupressure, Reiki aromatherapy, exercise programs, Myofascial release, and various other treatments to address your specific needs.

  • Do you treat sports injuries?

    Our dedicated team is experienced in providing comprehensive care to athletes of all levels. Whether you're dealing with a minor sprain or a more serious injury that requires extensive rehabilitation, our physical therapy services are designed to support your recovery and help you get back in the game. 

  • Do you treat personal, auto, and work-related injuries?

    Yes, we provide treatment for all types of injuries, and we are proud to accept liens and work with most insurance plans.

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